SEKEM in Code of Survival

SEKEM in Cinema and on DVD in Award-winning Documentary “Code of Survival”

On November 27, the European Commission extended the approval of the controversial discussed herbicide glyphosate for five years. In this context, the DVD release of the documentary “Code of Survival” couldn’t be more up to date. In the award-winning film on the topic of genetic engineering, director Bertram Verhaag calls for a sustainable agriculture that addresses the chemical dominance of genetically modified food in an ecological way. He shows three counter models that do not make use of genetically modified seeds or glyphosate. One of them is SEKEM.

The film asks the question: In what kind of agriculture lies the Code of Survival of our planet? Many large enterprises see the future of the world population’s food security in genetically modified products. But with the chemical treatment of the soil, also fast-growing, resistant weeds appear that strongly damage the cultivated crops. Particularly dangerous are the millions of tons of “Roundup” with the main active ingredient glyphosate, which pollute the fields all over the world.

For his critical analyses of the risks and consequences of agro-genetic engineering and for the counter-representation of an ecological and GMO-free agriculture, Bertram Verhaag was awarded for his film “Code of Survival” with the “Otto-Greither-Prize” in the context of the “Salus Media Award”.

The documentary, in which SEKEM plays a leading role, has already been shown in various German cinemas and will be available on DVD from December 8.

Order the DVD here
Watch the trailer here
Find out more on “Code of Survival”