Spray and Pray for the Earth

Especially during these extraordinary challenging times that the world is facing these days, we want to continue to share with you some good news on our several activities. As almost everyone of course also SEKEM is affected by the current development and challenged in different ways. Still, we are convinced that keeping as much as possible of our daily business but especially our cultural and social activities running as normal as possible contributes the most to handle the challenges and support development progress – of course only if the wellbeing of all involved parties is secured. 

Enjoy reading our good news!

At the end of January, a very special event took place at SEKEM that demonstrated in a wonderful way how an intercultural and integral community interacts. The picture of Egyptian farmers praying while besides them Biodynamic preparations are prepared, followed by performing an “Hallelujah” through Eurythmy movements together while a comparable ceremony is conducted in many different parts of the world created a truly unique atmosphere. 

The event was inaugurated by the Japanese Farmer Tomoko Kurokawa who called for all Biodynamic farmers around the globe to come together on the 22nd of January at 2:45 pm in order to stir and spray the cow horn manure preparation together. In Biodynamic agriculture nine different natural preparations are applied to aid the fertilization of the compost, soil and plants. The preparations have to be produced and sprayed at certain times in order to be able to also consider the cosmic forces. 

As the Islamic Midday Prayer was around the same time as the international ceremony, some farmers and community members did pray while others took care of stirring the preparation. After the Islamic prayer people came together for expressing a “Hallelujah” by Eurythmy movements. The impression arose that all the united forces of the Egyptian people and those around the world that did the same ceremony according to their culture was absorbed by the preparation that was then sprayed on the fields. Thereby a wonderful interaction between nature, people and cosmic forces was created and it might help the plants and the earth to develop with great vitality and strength. 

Christine Arlt

Culture in the Desert: Eurythmy for Farm Employees
100% Organic Agriculture: SEKEM Children Start to Transform Egypt